Slow Paced Yoga with Rita

Thursday evenings @ 7:30pm

Slow Paced Yoga offers a variety of asana groups in sequences with a slower pace to penetrate body and mind awareness through subtleties in key actions. We look closer at the shapes and ways of holding poses to inter-connections between poses – with focus on centre of gravity, sense of direction, and how the breath interacts between body, mind & soul. How we can touch the sensitivity of Città (consciousness) to bring us closer to our goal – the Soul on our inward Journey.

We explore groups of asanas structured in a calm in-depth manner, to mature practice. We explore the use of props to increase the range of motion in a dynamic way, enhance correct alignment, and ability to hold poses longer where effortless effort can settle.

All aspects of yoga are part of the 8 branches – yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana & samadhi – which are inter-dependant and become more subtle and refined as one walks the yoga path and becomes aware of the sheaths or layers of our Be-ing. By consistent practise the Sadhaka can experience how effortful effort (action) enhances the quality of practise into skilful effortlessness, which is a graceful transformation.