Beginner courses (10-weeks) – online bookings are open 🙂

  • Mondays @ 7:45pm with Vaughan – starts 15 July – book online now
  • Wednesdays @ 7:45pm with Rita – starts 17 July – book online now
  • Saturdays @ 10am with Lynn – starts 20 July – book online now
  • All course classes can be attended on a casual basis ($25 per class)


Foundation courses (6-weeks) – online bookings are open 🙂

  • Tuesdays @ 6:15pm with Tim – starts 13 August – book online now
  • Runs for 6-weeks only
  • Gives access to 4-bonus Beginner casual classes
  • All course classes can be attended on a casual basis ($25 per class)


Our Beginner courses (10-weeks) run as follows:

  • book for one course class and attend the same class each week for 10-weeks
  • also gain free attendance at 5 more Beginner classes to be used during the term only
    • effectively these classes are our ‘make-up’ system, whereby you can use them to make-up for missed course classes
    • they are only valid during the term and expire at the end of the course series
  • cost is $230 for 10-course classes and 5-bonus Beginner casual classes
  • Beginner course classes can be also attended on a casual basis ($25 per class)


In Iyengar Yoga we hold the poses longer and focus on correct alignment and body position. Our fundamental philosophy is that yoga should support your life.